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  • 累计创建 183 个标签
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GitLab 迁移及恢复

2023-04-21 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 72 阅读 / 12764 字 / 正在检测是否收录...

GitLab 迁移及恢复



  • 新的Git Lab启动完成后,将备份文件移动到对应挂载的备份目录下,并进入容器
mv 1678378833_2023_03_10_15.6.2_gitlab_backup.tar Data/backups/
docker exec -it GitLab /bin/bash




cd /var/opt/gitlab/backups/
chmod 777 1678378833_2023_03_10_15.6.2_gitlab_backup.tar



# 停止相关数据连接服务
gitlab-ctl stop unicorn
gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq

# 执行命令从备份文件中恢复Gitlab
gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=备份文件编号
gitlab-ctl stop puma
gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq
gitlab-backup restore BACKUP=1652099118_2022_05_09_14.9.2-ee
Transfering ownership of /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/registry to git
Unpacking backup ... done
2022-05-09 15:33:55 +0000 -- Restoring database ...
2022-05-09 15:33:55 +0000 -- Be sure to stop Puma, Sidekiq, and any other process that
connects to the database before proceeding. For Omnibus
installs, see the following link for more information:

Before restoring the database, we will remove all existing
tables to avoid future upgrade problems. Be aware that if you have
custom tables in the GitLab database these tables and all data will be

Do you want to continue (yes/no)?yes
Removing all tables. Press `Ctrl-C` within 5 seconds to abort
2022-05-09 15:34:13 UTC -- Cleaning the database ...
2022-05-09 15:34:15 UTC -- done
Restoring PostgreSQL database gitlabhq_production ... ERROR:  must be owner of extension pg_trgm
ERROR:  must be owner of extension btree_gist
ERROR:  must be owner of extension btree_gist
ERROR:  must be owner of extension pg_trgm


2022-05-09 15:36:12 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:12 +0000 -- Restoring uploads ...
2022-05-09 15:36:15 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:15 +0000 -- Restoring builds ...
2022-05-09 15:36:15 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:15 +0000 -- Restoring artifacts ...
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- Restoring pages ...
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- Restoring lfs objects ...
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- Restoring terraform states ...
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- Restoring container registry images ...
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- done
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- Restoring packages ...
2022-05-09 15:36:58 +0000 -- done
This task will now rebuild the authorized_keys file.
You will lose any data stored in the authorized_keys file.
Do you want to continue (yes/no)? yes

Deleting backups/tmp ... done
Warning: Your gitlab.rb and gitlab-secrets.json files contain sensitive data
and are not included in this backup. You will need to restore these files manually.
Restore task is done.
Transfering ownership of /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/registry to registry


![image-20230322115131639](/Users/WinJay/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20230322115131639.png)

# 恢复成功后验证
gitlab-rake gitlab:doctor:secrets
I, [2023-03-22T11:37:51.683936 #6222]  INFO -- : Checking encrypted values in the database
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.266060 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::InstanceVariable failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.298744 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::PipelineVariable failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.332097 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::PipelineScheduleVariable failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.364513 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::Variable failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.396757 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::GroupVariable failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.425674 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::JobVariable failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.455904 #6222]  INFO -- : - ApplicationSetting failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.492147 #6222]  INFO -- : - Snippet failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.495460 #6222]  INFO -- : - PersonalSnippet failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:03.498417 #6222]  INFO -- : - ProjectSnippet failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.091956 #6222]  INFO -- : - User failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.126600 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.161119 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integration failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.164830 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Asana failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.168110 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Assembla failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.171846 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::BaseCi failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.175348 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Bamboo failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.178896 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Buildkite failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.182100 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::DroneCi failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.185532 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Jenkins failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.188812 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Teamcity failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.191998 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::MockCi failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.195683 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::BaseIssueTracker failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.200980 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Bugzilla failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.205803 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::CustomIssueTracker failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.209224 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Ewm failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.212429 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Jira failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.216762 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Redmine failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.223228 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Youtrack failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.226838 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Zentao failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.231877 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Campfire failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.235879 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::BaseThirdPartyWiki failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.239868 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Confluence failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.243721 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Shimo failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.247549 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Datadog failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.253689 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::BaseChatNotification failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.258511 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Discord failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.262270 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::HangoutsChat failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.266021 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Mattermost failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.269782 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::MicrosoftTeams failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.273701 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::BaseSlackNotification failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.277726 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Slack failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.281570 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Pumble failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.285318 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::UnifyCircuit failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.289161 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::WebexTeams failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.292913 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::EmailsOnPush failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.296742 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::ExternalWiki failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.300657 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Flowdock failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.305213 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Harbor failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.310763 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Irker failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.315788 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::BaseSlashCommands failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.319880 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::MattermostSlashCommands failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.323736 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::SlackSlashCommands failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.328100 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Packagist failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.333942 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::PipelinesEmail failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.338422 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Pivotaltracker failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.343907 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::BaseMonitoring failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.348579 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Prometheus failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.352385 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::MockMonitoring failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.356140 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::Pushover failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.388296 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::Applications::Helm failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.423852 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::Applications::Prometheus failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.463254 #6222]  INFO -- : - AlertManagement::HttpIntegration failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.496388 #6222]  INFO -- : - GrafanaIntegration failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.527464 #6222]  INFO -- : - JiraConnectInstallation failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.558392 #6222]  INFO -- : - PagesDomain failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.586917 #6222]  INFO -- : - PagesDomainAcmeOrder failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.617261 #6222]  INFO -- : - ProjectImportData failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.646236 #6222]  INFO -- : - RemoteMirror failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.678356 #6222]  INFO -- : - WebHook failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.682277 #6222]  INFO -- : - ProjectHook failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.686192 #6222]  INFO -- : - ServiceHook failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.689973 #6222]  INFO -- : - SystemHook failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.717003 #6222]  INFO -- : - Alerting::ProjectAlertingSetting failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.746098 #6222]  INFO -- : - Atlassian::Identity failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.774129 #6222]  INFO -- : - BulkImports::Configuration failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.803106 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::KubernetesNamespace failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.833392 #6222]  INFO -- : - ErrorTracking::ProjectErrorTrackingSetting failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.862601 #6222]  INFO -- : - IncidentManagement::ProjectIncidentManagementSetting failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.897112 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::IssueTrackerData failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.925338 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::JiraTrackerData failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.952729 #6222]  INFO -- : - Integrations::ZentaoTrackerData failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.980117 #6222]  INFO -- : - Serverless::DomainCluster failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:06.982709 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::Integrations::Prometheus failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.009672 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::Providers::Aws failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.037981 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::Providers::Gcp failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.066115 #6222]  INFO -- : - Packages::Debian::GroupDistributionKey failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.093191 #6222]  INFO -- : - Packages::Debian::ProjectDistributionKey failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.097191 #6222]  INFO -- : - Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillIntegrationsEnableSslVerification::Integration failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.100397 #6222]  INFO -- : - Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillJiraTrackerDeploymentType2::JiraTrackerDataTemp failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.137664 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::Runner failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.285014 #6222]  INFO -- : - Ci::Build failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:07.498238 #6222]  INFO -- : - Project failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:08.232687 #6222]  INFO -- : - Group failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:08.264085 #6222]  INFO -- : - DeployToken failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:08.293719 #6222]  INFO -- : - Clusters::AgentToken failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:08.375189 #6222]  INFO -- : - Operations::FeatureFlagsClient failures: 0
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:08.375283 #6222]  INFO -- : Total: 0 row(s) affected
I, [2023-03-22T11:38:08.375309 #6222]  INFO -- : Done!




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